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Cyber Intelligence

We provide industry experience and expertise in cyber intelligence, inside threat prevention & digital forensics consulting and service provision for government, private corporations, and investigators, ensuring a seamless digital data analysis.

We carry out forensic investigations, audio & video analysis to help our clients with the answers they are looking for, we are equipped with a team of trained experts that you can trust.

When you or your organization faces threats related to financial crimes, unethical business conduct, regulatory scrutiny and integrity risks, Digital Assets Recovery AI's forensic advisory services professionals provide critical and insightful expertise.

Digital Assets Recovery AI’s experienced professionals quickly and confidentially assess complex situations, identify and evaluate evidence, investigate events, conduct interviews, and prepare supportable reports that can withstand assessments by regulators, courts, and other external stakeholders.

Our team includes:

  • Certified Public Accountants

  • Certified Fraud Examiners

  • Chartered Financial Analysts

  • Forensic technology specialists

  • Former federal law enforcement professionals

  • Finance specialists

  • Audit and risk professionals

Strengthen your cyber resiliency

Digital Assets Recovery AI digital security and forensic analysis solutions provide unparalleled endpoint visibility, scalability, and speed to resolution. Cyber resilient organizations suffer little to no damage in the event of a breach. Digital Assets Recovery AI cyber risk solutions identify, analyze, and resolve active or potential threats 31x faster than traditional EDR tools.

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